Massage is therapy for your body, mind & spirit.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a very ancient practice dating back to 3000BC with over 80 different types of massages in practice today.

The powerful benefits of massage therapy are very diverse. It promotes better mental health, enhances the immune system, increases mobility, and has powerful relaxing effects.

As a licensed massage therapist with vast experience in the medical and wellness fields, my biggest rule is, do no harm. I have dedicated career to tailoring services with a holistic approach, focused on trust-building, recovery and wellness.

I offer a unique blend of modalities customized for the individual's needs, including the use of bamboo sticks, hot/cold stones, cupping, aromatherapy, basic reflexology, and much more.

I also offer spa parties and chair massage services for office meetings.

Be mesmerized by this powerful holistic approach to massage therapy.

I am a firm believer in the benefits of massage therapy. As some one who has had hundreds of massages, I can honestly say Blanca’s knowledge and skills are unrivaled. Blanca offers many different styles of massage so is not limited in her effectiveness. I highly recommend Blanca.
— John K.